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the United States moves up a gear in terms of privacy




Did you know❓

📣 The year 2023 is that of the entry into force of several state (in the United States) and provincial (in Canada) laws on the protection of personal data, an opportunity for data exporters to make a state places of their compliance and to update their impact analyzes (TIA) for any transfer to the United States in particular. It is recalled that, following the invalidation in 2020 of the protection shield (#PrivacyShield) between the European Union and the United States, European data exporters have a reinforced obligation to regulate their transfers to the United States, through the implementation of additional measures capable of guaranteeing data protection.🔓


CANADA : Joanna Wrzesniewski Tél: (+ 1) 250-763-6441

FRANCE : Caroline Sandler-Rosental

Tel : +33 (0) 6 81 23 02 97

UNITED STATES : Stephane Grynwajc Tel : (+ 1) 347-543-3035


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